Tuesday, January 17, 2017


Hi there. If you’ve been following, it’s been quite a journey. I started The Traveling Dancer while I was working full time, dancing after work and on vacation, and desperate for a change. I am now a third year graduate student who dances even less than I did when I was working 40+ hours. 2017 is a new year and I want to make some changes. The Traveling Dancer is meant to travel and dance and that’s what I plan to do. A blog helped me get my life together then, so I hope it’ll help me now. ðŸ™‚  This blog is new-ish in that I do plan on posting about graduate school and random projects in addition to my dance adventures.
If you'd like to check out my "Old blog" click here or go up to the menu bar and click "Old Blog". Dates run from February 13, 2013 - September 9, 2013. I have one last backup of my entire site (Sept 2013-Sept 2014) but it's on my old iPhone Wordpress App. I've tried everything to get the data to pull from the phone to a computer but I'm not a genius programmer and I haven't wanted to jailbreak my phone to see if that would change things. I think I'm going to have to screen shot each post and then just upload the images onto my Old Blog (FUN).